Periodical Technical Inspection Civil Monitoring Platform

About the Project

The project "Enhancing Civil Society Involvement in Mandatory Periodic Technical Inspection and Advocating European Standards" is implemented by the foundation “Partnership for Road Safety” with the support of the Open Society Foundations. The project aims to:

  •         Monitor the progress of periodic technical inspection reform;
  •          Increase citizen engagement through the web platform;
  •          Visualise statistics on an online map;
  •          Increase citizens' awareness;

 The main focus of the project is to monitor the reform of the peridoic technical inspections through civic engagement and deliver results-oriented recommendations to decision makers.

A special online platform has been created, the first part of which is a visual map showing all the periodic technical inspection centers in Georgia. Citizens can find the center on the map and provide information about various violations and gaps to the web-platform administrator. The information received will be checked by the platform administrator and reported to the non-governmental sector.

The second online map of the web platform will feature traffic accidents caused by vehicles with technical malfunctions. Special signs will be posted on the map where the traffic accident was reported, as well as information on how many people were injured and killed. The map will allow citizens and other stakeholders to see what the severity of the problem is and how important it is to prevent such traffic accidents.

Information on the operation of the platform and citizen engagement will be posted at all periodic inspection centers and much attention will be given to conducting an information campaign. The platform will include researches, publications, various informational materials (articles, photos, videos), legislation, tips, project activities and more.

Added 72 techs Inspection centers



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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the purpose of the periodic technical inspection reform?

The first phase of mandatory periodic technical inspection (PTI) reform came into force on January 1, 2018, and aims to: - approximate the standards of road transport in Georgia with the EU standards; - ensure the safety of the operation of vehicles and minimize the number of road accidents, environment and human damage caused by their technical malfunctions; - minimize emissions by fully inspecting the exhaust system during the full life of the vehicles and removing those vehicles that are major pollutants until they are brought into compliance with the relevant regulations.

Q: Why is citizen ngagement Important in Reform Monitoring process?

Public involvement in identifying and subsequently addressing road safety issues is crucial, and unfortunately, the growing problems of road safety in Georgia are partly due to inattention and leveling off of this problem. They are less involved in resolving these problems, which can cause harm to both them and the state. Ongoing observations often show a variety of approaches from inspection centers to different people, which often irritate drivers. Citizens expressing dissatisfaction in a variety of areas, including their social pages. With the inclusion of citizens on the platform, we hope that more disruptions and gaps will be identified.

Q: How is it possible for citizens to become involved in monitoring reform?

The web platform provides interactive citizen engagement. They will be able to find a specific technical inspection center on the map and report any violations or deficiencies related to it, indicating the required email address, citizens can upload photo/video material showing violations. The information received with the platform administrator will be validated and the problem will be reported to the non-governmental sector.

Q: What is the purpose of the road accident map of the platform?

Despite recent statistics and data refinements, we do not currently have information on road traffic accidents caused by vehicles with technical malfunctions. The frequency of road traffic accidents in different countries varies from 7% to 20%. In Georgia, almost 20% of road traffic accidents are reported as an unidentified cause.


Service your car, drive safely!

According to international research, road accidents are often caused by technical malfunctioning. To ensure road safety, it is necessary to regularly check the road roadworthiness of the following: • Brakes • Visibility system • Lights and electric system • Suspension parts • Engine

Service your car, and take care of the environment!

Technically malfunctioning vehicles worsen air pollution and endanger public health with the emission of toxic substances. The level of toxic emissions depends heavily on the engine’s technical condition. Therefore, we need to have more roadworthy engines to decrease harmful substances in the environment.

Program - Gantiadi. Topic - Periodic Technical Inspection, gaps and challenges

Gela Kvashilava and Irakli Izoria were the guests of the Road Safety rubric on the TV channel Ertsulovneba. They talked about the current state of the reform of periodic technical inspection, the challenges, and ways to address them. It was emphasized that referrals to technical inspection centers have been reduced and drivers often use various manipulations to circumvent the law, which may be caused by weakened enforcement. The focus was on the problem of air pollution and emissions too- periodic technical inspection can play a key role in reducing it.

Program - "Gantiadi". Topic - Possibility of safe movement for passengers

The director of the Partnership for Road Safety Foundation visited a program on the TV channel Ertsulovneba, which was related to the possibilities of safe movement, in particular, inter-city transportation. In this regard, the technical feasibility of intercity transport is one of the key issues along with other problems. This issue should be strictly regulated at the legislative level and relevantly enforced. This is especially important as inter-city transportation is linked to the lives and health of countless people, not to mention the material damage caused by road accidents.

Program - "Gantiadi". Topic - Road safety performance of Georgia, increased rate of road accidents

On the TV channel Ertsulovneba, in the rubric on road safety, Irakli Izoria, Director of the Partnership for Road Safety Foundation, talked about eco-friendly transport, which is directly related to the problem of emissions. One of the main tools for reducing vehicle emissions is the consideration of this component in the implementation of the periodic technical inspection system. Due to the fact that the standards in the field of emissions are low at this stage and there is a problem with enforcement, the ecological situation deteriorates in the conditions of increasing the motorization rate. It is necessary to improve legislation, enforcement, and raise awareness in this direction.

Program - "Gantiadi". Topic - Periodic technical inspection

The director of the Partnership for Road Safety Foundation was the guest of the program Gantiadi on TV Ertsulovneba. He presented the project "Enhancing Civil Society Involvement in Mandatory Periodic Technical Inspection and Advocating European Standards" which is implemented by the foundation with the support of the Open Society Foundations.

NGOs call for tougher law, drivers avoid tech inspections

Driver referrals to technical inspection centers are still low. Mandatory technical inspection is avoided by most drivers. Representatives of the non-governmental sector talk about the manipulations that drivers resort to. The reason for this is the lack of a unified system, faulty smart cameras, low fines and shortcomings in the enforcement process. In their view, it is important to tighten enforcement mechanisms and involve the patrol police as well as the environmental inspectorate in the process.

Thematic Inquiry on Air Quality in Tbilisi

Gela Kvashilava, the founder of the Partnership for Road Safety Foundation, spoke at the committee inquiry meeting on the issue of air pollution caused by faulty transport and fuel problems.

Possibility of safe mobility for passengers

Tens of thousands of passengers use intercity minibuses in Georgia every day, but there is almost no state standard that ensures safe and comfortable travel. We always face problems such as technical malfunctions of minibuses, speeding, dangerous maneuvering, standing passengers and extra seats, smoking by the driver and talking on the cell phone. As a result, the lives of the passengers are in danger. It is time for the state to take responsibility for safe travel. Safe travel is a human right.

Director of the Foundation "Partnership for Road Safety" on TV Pirveli

The Director of the Foundation, Irakli Izoria, was the guest of the program on TV Pirveli. He talked about the issues related to the statistics of traffic accidents, which is an important component for improving road safety. He talked about the statistics gaps, ways of eliminating them and paid special attention to the lack of data on road traffic accidents caused by vehicle malfunctions in the country.

Air pollution from vehicles and periodic technical inspection

Irakli Izoria, Director of the Partnership for Road Safety Foundation, visited the program "Dila Formulaze" on TV Formula. He spoke on the following topic: air pollution from vehicles and periodic technical inspection


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